Tsuneya Tanabe
Concertino for marimba & two percussionists
Tsuneya Tanabe
Concertino for marimba & two percussionists
The reasons why I’m fascinated by the marimba and other percussion instrument are:
-pleasant sensation of the hitting action,
-attacking noise created by the mallet at the moment it strikes the instrument,
- rich vibration of resonance,
- joy of correspondence and resonance between the instruments,
- direct vibration from the player with the vigorous action of their body and spirit,
-great variety of the instruments and the form of playing.
Making the most of these enchantments is my basic attitude toward composing the “Concertino”.
1.‘Dialogue’: marimba and other percussion sound independently with their own idioms.
2.‘Arietta’: a fragment of a song which I composed in teens put in as a memory of my youth.
3.‘Divertimento’: all the instruments gradually sound together and collaborate to express the one thing.
Tsuneya Tanabe
First performance:
22th November 1993 Hong Kong with Makoto Nakura: marimba
First Italian performance:
8th March 2003 Padova with Massimo Pastore: marimba